The Benefits Of Visiting A Podiatrist 2021

Many industries came to a halt last year during the pandemic, and most doctors had to postpone appointments or opt for telemedicine appointments. Visiting our East Boston, and Haverhill, MA, podiatrists can help you make up for lost time and get your foot health back on track. At Merrimack Valley Foot Specialists, Dr. David Greenblott and Dr. Debra Eisner treat a wide variety of conditions like bunions, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, and ingrown toenails. Our podiatrists can also treat ankle instability, arthritis, diabetic feet, injuries, and hammertoes.

When you run, walk, or bear weight on both feet daily, excessive pressure placed on the limbs can result in joint pain, corns, calluses, injury, and other conditions that require treatment to heal. Your feet are also a reflection of your general health, which means that abnormalities like a fungal infection, poor circulation, or nerve damage might be the cause of an underlying problem, like diabetes. Last year, many of us spent time outside when possible, stood on front lines, and worked remotely at a desk. Chances are your heels could use some enhancement and TLC. Our East Boston, and Haverhill, MA, podiatrists can be a beneficial resource when putting a daily foot care routine into practice and preventing problems from developing or progressing.

Consider a consultation with our podiatrists in East Boston, and Haverhill, MA, to discuss preventive measures and treatments that will best suit your needs. Whether it be summer, fall, winter, or spring, there’s no time like the present to reap the benefits of foot care. For more information about conditions we treat and services provided at Merrimack Valley Foot Specialists, visit our website. Please call 978-556-9700 to schedule a visit with Dr. Greenblott or Dr. Eisner in our Haverhill, MA, location and 617-567-2111 for our East Boston, MA, office.

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