Finding the Cause of Your Heel Pain

Discover what’s causing your heel pain so you can get back to what matters, fast.

If you’re putting your feet through some serious daily wear and tear (yes, we’re looking at those high heels you’re wearing!), then it shouldn’t come as a surprise that at some point you’re going to deal with heel pain. No matter if the heel pain is mild or making it difficult to enjoy your daily activities, it’s important to see our Haverhill, MA, podiatrists Dr. David Greenblott and Dr. Debra Eisner to figure out the root cause.

Don’t Ignore Heel Pain

Since some firms of heel pain could be indicative of a fracture, serious injury, or another health issue it’s always a good idea to have a qualified medical professional evaluate your heel pain. Our Haverhill, MA, podiatrist can treat all causes of heel pain and provide you with a tailor-made treatment plan. If you ignore the problem, it will often just get worse.

Causes of Heel Pain

The two most common causes of heel pain are plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis, both overuse injuries that usually appear gradually over time. Plantar fasciitis is characterized by heel pain that originates under the heel bone (and may radiate to the arches of the foot) and is often worse after inactivity or first thing in the morning, while Achilles tendonitis usually develops above the heel bone and may get worse with activity.

Of course, these aren’t the only two reasons you could be dealing with heel pain. Heel pain may also be the result of,

  • Bursitis
  • Heel spur
  • Sprains and strains
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Fracture
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

How is heel pain treated?

Many minor forms of heel pain can be managed with simple rest and care. Avoid any high-impact activities such as running until the problem has completely gone away. Even once the pain has gone away it’s best to slowly ease back into your daily routine to prevent another flare-up.

Ways to manage minor heel pain include,

  • Taking a nonsteroidal pain reliever to alleviate pain and swelling
  • Icing the heel 2-3 times a day for up to 15 minutes at a time
  • Wearing a brace or splint to bed to support the arches of the feet
  • Wearing supportive, properly fitted shoes

If you are dealing with persistent heel pain here in Haverhill or East Boston, MA, turn to the experts at Merrimack Valley Foot Specialists for answers. Call (978) 556-9700 or (617) 567-2111 to schedule a consultation.

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